Thursday 24 December 2015

Cerise Telvarri

Kill credited to Duke Galore and Seren Dobrana. Placed 22nd.

"I'd love to see anyone try to compete with me."

District One Female;
18 years.


Strengths: Competitive, Expressive, Upbeat, Independent, Deliberate, Persuasive
Weaknesses: Annoying, Ignorant, Shallow, Panicky, Capricious, Immature
Weapon of Choice: Machete

Allies: Lynn Marinna, Elias Basin, Alana Bedford, Larkin Emerson
Mentor: Ivory Serreno (Female)
Training Score: 10

Coat: Pearl

Kills: None.

Predicted Placement: 2nd

Duke Galore

Kill credited to Rover Morgan. Placed 4th.

"I don't know why I'm doing this."

District One Male;
18 years.


Strengths: Thoughtful, Reticent, Suave, Observant, Charismatic
Weaknesses: Altruistic, Sensitive, Remorseful, Indecisive, Doubtful
Weapon of Choice: Katana

Allies: Seren Dobrana, Meritt Trevall, Kal Arker
Mentor: Valiant Blackwood (Male)
Training Score: 9

Coat: Pearl

Kills: Cerise Telvarri, Erna Kinsley

Predicted Placement: 12th

Seren Dobrana


"If there's more to be found in this world, I'm gonna be the one to find it."

District Two Female;
18 years.


Strengths: Shameless, Resolute, Quick-Witted, Spirited, Mysterious
Weaknesses: World-Weary, Reckless, Snarky, Irreverent, Misguided
Weapon of Choice: Twin Swords

Allies: Duke Galore, Meritt Trevall, Kal Arker
Mentor: Cicely Arlington (Female)
Training Score: 10

Coat: Maroon

Kills: Cerise Telvarri, Elias Basin, Alana Bedford, Rover Morgan, Sinora Floyd

Predicted Placement: 7th

Meritt Trevall

Kill credited to Kal Arker. Placed 7th.

"I'm fine with not saying much. I'll find other ways to stand out."

District Two Male;
17 years.


Strengths: Taciturn, Realistic, Detached, Unassuming, Pitiless, Unhesitating
Weaknesses: Withdrawn, Restrained, Enigmatic, Insatiable, Scheming, Obedient
Weapon of Choice: Throwing Knives

Allies: Duke Galore, Seren Dobrana, Kal Arker
Mentor: Ashlar Vikken (Male)
Training Score: 11

Coat: Maroon

Kills: Lynn Marinna, Erna Kinsley, Larkin Emerson

Predicted Placement: 10th

Mireya Daltier

Kill credited to Larkin Emerson. Placed 19th.

"I don't want to be clean if it means hating those we do not understand."

District Three Female;
16 years.


Strengths: Calculating, Realistic, Sharp-Tongued, Passionate, Resilient
Weaknesses: Emotional, Sympathetic, Impulsive, Defiant, Stubborn
Weapon of Choice: Cutlass

Allies: Larz Navir, Kole Chambers, Kian Harvey
Mentor: Sciel Romero (Female)
Training Score: 5

Coat: Amber

Kills: None.

Capitol Prediction: 16th

Larz Navir

Kill credited to Glenn Aspen. Placed 9th.

"Keep your head up and you won't lose it so easily."

District Three Male;
18 years.


Strengths: Calm, Patient, Passive-Aggressive, Taciturn, Compassionate, Humble
Weaknesses: Grudging, Enigmatic, Sensitive, Irritable, Cautious, Self-Conscious
Weapon of Choice: Mace

Allies: Mireya Daltier, Kole Chambers, Kian Harvey
Mentor: Aukai Deveraux (Male)
Training Score: 7

Coat: Amber

Kills: Kinnon Arias

Predicted Placement: 3rd

Lynn Marinna

Kill credited to Meritt Trevall. Placed 21st.

"Telling me to stop fighting works about as well as telling a butterfly to change back into a caterpillar."

District Four Female;
17 years.


Strengths: Cunning, Observant, Decisive, Light-Hearted, Alluring
Weaknesses: Dependent, Emotional, Unsure, Sarcastic, Disruptive
Weapon of Choice: Spear

Allies: Cerise Telvarri, Elias Basin, Alana Bedford, Larkin Emerson
Mentor: Theo Ellison (Male)
Training Score: 8

Coat: Cerulean

Kills: None.

Predicted Placement: 13th

Elias Basin

Kill credited to Seren Dobrana. Placed 16th.

"When wits fail, your fists probably won't."

District Four Male;
18 years.


Strengths: Bold, Forthright, Quick-Thinking, Energetic, Authentic
Weaknesses: Argumentative, Insensitive, Defiant, Risk-Prone, Impatient
Weapon of Choice: Sickle

Allies: Cerise Telvarri, Lynn Marinna, Alana Bedford, Larkin Emerson
Mentor: Costa St. Claire (Female)
Training Score: 10

Coat: Cerulean

Kills: Siung Jang

Predicted Placement: 1st

Kole Chambers

Kill credited to Glenn Aspen. Placed 6th.

"I'm more capable with my one arm than most tributes with two, so I think I'll be fine."

District Five Female;
17 years.


Strengths: Hard-Working, Resourceful, Gritty, Courteous, Self-Reliant
Weaknesses: Doubtful, Self-Deprecating, Idealistic, Burdened, Diffident
Weapon of Choice: Hammer

Allies: Mireya Daltier, Larz Navir, Kian Harvey, Sinora Floyd
Mentor: Lumin Decker (Male)
Training Score: 6

Coat: Plum

Kills: Abel Montgomery

Predicted Placement: 20th

Kian Harvey

Kill credited to Kinnon Arias. Placed 14th.

"I'm not just doing this for me, but for everyone who is constantly tormented by something they can't control."

District Five Male;
15 years.


Strengths: Personable, Adaptable, Facetious, Tactful, Tenacious
Weaknesses: Temperamental, Mistrustful, Demoralized, Frantic, Unforgiving
Weapon of Choice: Scythe

Allies: Mireya Daltier, Larz Navir, Kole Chambers
Mentor: Demica Warrick (Female)
Training Score: 6

Coat: Plum

Kills: None.

Predicted Placement: 9th

Alana Bedford

Kill credited to Seren Dobrana. Placed 12th.

"I think I smell some bullshit."

District Six Female;
17 years.


Strengths: Patient, Meticulous, Level-Headed, Callous, Tactical, Generous
Weaknesses: Emotional, Sadistic, Playful, Trusting, Facetious, Two-Faced
Weapon of Choice: Tomahawk

Allies: Cerise Telvarri, Lynn Marinna, Elias Basin, Larkin Emerson
Mentor: Cooper Audley (Male)
Training Score: 9

Coat: Slate

Kills: Oxen Ackerman

Predicted Placement: 5th

Kal Arker

Kill credited to himself; gas explosion. Placed 8th.

"Oh, my day's been fantastic, how about yours?"

District Six Male;
18 years.


Strengths: Dauntless, Cheeky, Unhesitating, Adaptable, Equivocal
Weaknesses: Sardonic, Tenacious, Strained, Flippant, Irritating
Weapon of Choice: Traps

Allies: Duke Galore, Seren Dobrana, Meritt Trevall
Mentor: Dyna Gillis (Female)
Training Score: 7

Coat: Slate

Kills: Meritt Trevall

Predicted Placement: 14th

Arella Trinett

Kill credited to Kinnon Arias and Sinora Floyd. Placed 17th.

"Do people always fall in love with things they can't have?"

District Seven Female;
18 years.


Strengths: Lion-Hearted, Vivacious, Diligent, Erudite, Self-Preserving
Weaknesses: Protective, Loyal, Hard-Headed, Rantipole, Cynical
Weapon of Choice: Axe

Allies: Kinnon Arias, Sinora Floyd
Mentor: Deverin Finch (Female)
Training Score: 7

Coat: Evergreen

Kills: None.

Predicted Placement: 6th

Glenn Aspen

Kill credited to Sinora Floyd. Placed 5th.

"Hey, at least if Plan A fails, there's always 25 more letters."

District Seven Male;
16 years.


Strengths: Humorous, Affable, Observant, Upbeat
Weaknesses: Childish, Emotional, Impulsive, Panicky
Weapon of Choice: Axe

Allies: Abel Montgomery, Viscaria Cortese, Siung Jang
Mentor: Evren Callahan (Male)
Training Score: 6

Coat: Evergreen

Kills: Larz Navir, Kole Chambers

Predicted Placement: 21st

Erna Kinsley

Kill credited to Duke Galore and Meritt Trevall. Placed 13th.

"Me. Sarcastic? Never."

District Eight Female;
17 years.


Strengths: Durable, Level-Headed, Charming, Persuasive, Unruffled
Weaknesses: Closed-Off, Mistrustful, Hurtful, Antagonizing, Hostile
Weapon of Choice: Brass Knuckles

Allies: Rover Morgan, Magne Cohen
Mentor: Mia Calison (Female)
Training Score: 8

Coat: Navy

Kills: Magne Cohen

Predicted Placement: 8th

Rover Morgan

Kill credited to Seren Dobrana. Placed 3rd.

"I-It's okay. If it helps others, then I can take it."

District Eight Male;
17 years.


Strengths: Optimistic, Helpful, Loyal, Gregarious, Determined
Weaknesses: Insecure, Compliant, Gullible, Deluded, Self-Sacrificing
Weapon of Choice: Switchblade

Allies: Erna Kinsley, Magne Cohen
Mentor: Kiero Mearlove (Male)
Training Score: 4

Coat: Navy

Kills: Duke Galore

Predicted Placement: 15th

Kinnon Arias

Kill credited to Larz Navir and Sinora Floyd. Placed 15th.

"If you're gonna follow in my footsteps, you'd better be prepared to walk a thousand miles."

District Nine Female;
15 years.


Strengths: Confident, Unwavering, Energetic, Vivacious, Charming, Influential
Weaknesses: Blatant, Haughty, Cocky, Stern, Pampered, Pretentious
Weapon of Choice: Spear

Allies: Arella Trinett, Sinora Floyd
Mentor: Crux Malone (Male)
Training Score: 5

Coat: Golden

Kills: Kian Harvey, Arella Trinett

Predicted Placement: 19th

Abel Montgomery

Kill credited to Kole Chambers. Placed 10th.

"Am I distracting you?"

District Nine Male;
18 years.


Strengths: Manipulative, Flirtatious, Witty, Forthright, Self-Reliant
Weaknesses: Forlorn, Stubborn, Moral, Emotional, Vain
Weapon of Choice: Kama

Allies: Glenn Aspen
Mentor: Albany Vara (Female)
Training Score: 6

Coat: Golden

Kills: Viscaria Cortese

Predicted Placement: 18th

Larkin Emerson

Kill credited to Meritt Trevall. Placed 11th.

"I'm aiming for something big. I just have to keep a cool head and a low profile."

District Ten Female;
17 years.


Strengths: Cooperative, Astute, Versatile, Observant, Gregarious
Weaknesses: Dependent, Loyal, Self-Critical, Nervous, Jaded
Weapon of Choice: Throwing Knives

Allies: Cerise Telvarri, Lynn Marinna, Elias Basin, Alana Bedford
Mentor: Kellen Mercer (Male)
Training Score: 8

Coat: Peach

Kills: Mireya Daltier

Predicted Placement: 4th

Oxen Ackerman

Kill credited to Alana Bedford. Placed 23rd.

"I wish my cows were here."

District Ten Male;
14 years.


Strengths: Quiet, Simple, Hard-working, Resourceful
Weaknesses: Withdrawn, Unusual, Childish, Panicky
Weapon of Choice: Knife

Allies: None.
Mentor: Tacia Macklin (Female)
Training Score: 3

Coat: Peach

Kills: None.

Predicted Placement: 22nd

Sinora Floyd

Kill credited to Seren Dobrana. Placed 2nd.

"I've done multiple things I wasn't supposed to. Killing is just another thing I'll add to the

District Eleven Female;
16 years.


Strengths: Willing, Independent, Spirited, Optimistic, Sensible, Resolute
Weaknesses: Intolerant, Impatient, Submissive, Apathetic, Surly, Perfectionist
Weapon of Choice: Scythe

Allies: Kole Chambers, Arella Trinett, Kinnon Arias
Mentor: Paloma Korring (Female)
Training Score: 6

Coat: Olive

Kills: Arella Trinett, Glenn Aspen, Kinnon Arias

Predicted Placement: 11th

Magne Cohen

Kill credited to Erna Kinsley. Placed 18th.

"Your appearance reflects your attitude, and my behavior is stunning."

District Eleven Male;
17 years.


Strengths: Leaderly, Observant, Self-Reliant, Committed, Conscientious
Weaknesses: Boastful, Naive, Inconsiderate, Self-Proclaimed, Unconventional
Weapon of Choice: Knives

Allies: Erna Kinsley, Rover Morgan
Mentor: Derrin Kell (Male)
Training Score: 3

Coat: Olive

Kills: None.

Predicted Placement: 24th